Вулкан во југозападен Исланд еруптираше вчера по неколку недели интензивна сеизмичка активност, соопшти државната метеоролошка служба.
An eruption has begun near the evacuated town of Grindavík. Our priorities remain to protect lives and infrastructure. Civil Defence has closed off the affected area. We now wait to see what the forces of nature have in store. We are prepared and remain vigilant.
@Vedurstofan pic.twitter.com/yKx4WKU61c— President of Iceland (@PresidentISL) December 19, 2023
Властите евакуираа речиси 4.000 жители на рибарскиот град Гриндавик и ја затворија блиската геотермална бања Сина лагуна на островот Рејкјанес.
$bp(“Brid_02972545”, {“id”:”26456″,”width”:”647″,”height”:”364″,”video”:”1508112″,”autoplay”:0,”shared”:true});
„Предупредување: Ерупцијата започна северно од Гриндавик во близина на Хагафел“, објави Метеоролошката канцеларија на својата веб-страница.
$bp(“Brid_02969630”, {“id”:”26456″,”width”:”762″,”height”:”429″,”video”:”1508085″,”autoplay”:0,”shared”:true});
На снимките и во директните преноси на локалната новинска агенција РУВ се гледа како излегува лава.
WATCH: Moment volcano erupts near Grindavík, Iceland pic.twitter.com/3CaFcnKpbv
— BNO News (@BNONews) December 18, 2023
Aerial view from helicopter showing the large fissure that has opened up. Certainly bigger than expected!#volcano #iceland #reykjavikpic.twitter.com/5azYExblXV
— MetWatch ☈ (@MetWatchUK) December 18, 2023
WATCH: Volcano erupts in Iceland, lava shooting into the air from fissure extending 2.5 miles (4 km) pic.twitter.com/M93QePO4wK
— BNO News (@BNONews) December 19, 2023
Aerial view of the volcano that has erupted on the Reykjanes peninsula of south-west Iceland.
The Norwegian Meteorological Agency estimated that 100 to 200 cubic meters of lava is spewing out per second. #Volcano #Iceland pic.twitter.com/p2YYt2c2P6
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) December 19, 2023
Iceland volcano erupts near Grindavik after weeks of intense earthquake activity.
Footage shows thick smoke wafting skyward and lava spewing from the volcano’s mouth. The Icelandic Road Administration announced the closure of all roads in the area. pic.twitter.com/V2aLBkJUrk
— AccuWeather (@accuweather) December 19, 2023
Check out this video from the Icelandic coast guard who flew along where the volcano in erupting outside of Grindavik Iceland. pic.twitter.com/8xfxsfoAgd
— Kevin Lighty – WCIA 3 Chief Meteorologist (@KevinLighty) December 19, 2023
Текстот (Видео) Активиран вулкан во Исланд, снимен моментот на ерупција е превземен од МАКФАКС.